GITA Papers

Reducing Damage to Underground Utility Infrastructure During Excavation: August 6, 2020

Over the past two decades in the U.S. there have been over 400 fatalities and nearly 2000 injuries attributed to hitting underground infrastructure during excavations. It has been estimated that unreliable location information about underground infrastructure represents a $50 billion to $100 billion drag on the U.S.economy, multiple £ billions in the U.K. and € 1 billion in the Netherlands. Comparing the United States and Japan reveals a startling difference in the number of incidents of underground utility damage during construction. In the U.S. the number of incidents is between 400,000 and 800,000 per year (roughly one or two every minute). For Japan the number of incidents in 2016 was 134. Clearly something can be done to reduce the risk for construction workers and the public and the economic impact.


GECCo: Geospatially Enabling Community Collaboration

No matter the root cause of an emergency –terrorism, natural occurrences, or unintentional human error –the methods of responding to, mitigating, and ideally preventing reoccurrences are based on a coordinated approach that can be greatly enhanced by the use of geospatial information and technology. This cannot happen without enabling the many mutually dependent agencies and organizations charged with protecting our nation’s citizens and infrastructure to efficiently and effectively share their information.

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Industry Trends Analysis Group (ITAG)



Critical Infrastructure Protection - Emergency Response White Papers

This is a special White Paper Series entitled "The Geospatial Dimensions of Critical Infrastructure and Emergency Response." It is intended to provide geospatial practitioners with a summary of critical infrastructure interdependencies, reasons why understanding these relationships is vital to effective emergency response, and the important role geospatial technology, data and knowledge can play in addressing our infrastructure-related challenges.

GITA is extremely concerned about the current status of the infrastructure in North America. The Association is dedicated to developing and promoting effective ways to begin to address this increasingly serious problem, by leveraging what it feels are ideal tools: geospatial information and technology.



Thought Leader Series White Papers